
Customized computer-controlled devices for continuous-flow synthesis.

Areas of Expertise


Fluorination reactor Design

The use of fluorinated products is expanding rapidly. More than 30% of recently approved pharmaceuticals contain fluorine, and the percentage is even higher in agrochemicals. However, handling hydrogen fluoride and fluorine requires specialized equipment and expertise that few companies have. DellaTech has years of experience in fluorine chemistry, and our process intensification allows exceptionally compact reactors with dramatic safety benefits. Contact us to see how we can transform your fluorination system.

Process intensification

As a newly recognized field of chemical engineering, process intensification (PI) encompasses two different approaches to radical improvements in chemical processes. The first approach reduces rate limiting influences of heat and mass transfer or chemical kinetics on processes through innovative reactor and equipment design. The second approach combines multiple process steps in a single operation often removing equilibrium limitations or radically simplifying an overall process. We have demonstrated successes in both of these PI approaches for a variety of applications. Our analytical modeling capabilities allow process scoping to quickly identify promising PI techniques which are validated in-house through careful pilot testing. Our expertise includes advanced fabrication techniques including microchannel devices. 

ionic liquids Selection and production

Ionic liquids with fluorinated anions are among the most electrochemically and thermally stable solvents known today. With electrochemical windows up to 5.5 V, and thermal stability over 250°C, these versatile fluids enable devices and process unobtainable with other solvents. DellaTech produces ionic liquids in electrochemical grade with unique continuous production systems. Our extensive knowledge of both ionic liquid electrochemistry and production methods allows us to quickly identify IL that will both provide outstanding performance and meet cost targets. 

Electrolyte design consulting

If current lithium-ion battery performance is adequate for your application, then standard carbonate electrolytes  and lithium salts will meet your needs. But for research groups seeking to push the envelopes of voltage, energy density, lifetime and temperature range, off-the-shelf electrolytes simply won't provide the performance necessary. DellaTech has years of experience in "next-generation" electrolytes, including non-flammable IL-based systems, advanced lithium salts, and highly concentrated electrolytes. DellaTech is an ideal electrolyte development partner for your next-generation battery R&D. Our clients range from small businesses on SBIR programs to some of the world's largest automotive manufacturers.

Lithium salts (LiFSI)

More stable than LiPF, less expensive than LiBOB and LiTFSI, LiFSI is rapidly emerging as the salt of choice for high-performance lithium-ion batteries. DellaTech principals are the inventors on more than a dozen FSI-related patents worldwide. Our expertise ranges from synthesis, to purification and electrolyte formulation. Buy research quantities of LiFSI from our products page, or contact DellaTech for expert support on your LiFSI electrolyte development program. 


Intellectual property Consulting

DellaTech's deep expertise in ionic liquids, electrolytes and process intensification makes us ideal partners for customers seeking to evaluate IP in these areas, in the context of investment, acquisition, sale, or competitive analysis. DellaTech staff maintain subscriptions to leading patent analysis software, making us cost-effective expert partners to your next deal. Contact us to see how we can help you understand the patent landscape int these areas.